lunedì 25 settembre 2017

Novena to Saint Francis of Assisi


Risultati immagini per san francesco d'assisi immagini

Theme:       FAITH
1)      Opening Hymn (St Francis)
2)      Scripture Reading: Rom 5: 1-7
3)      Franciscan Reading: LM 2: 4 P. 538 – Francis of Assisi : The Founder, Vol. II

4) Reflection on Faith

            Faith is a treasure at our disposal from where we draw strength and wisdom when the need arises. It is a priceless gift in our interior. Faith is to know God and Jesus Christ whom He sent. In the midst of difficulties of life, our faith allows us to cling to certain things and beliefs with steadfastness, simply that God exists and knows it all. If we take our faith for granted then we will take our vocation for granted as well. It is with faith that we accepted our call from God and with faith we should live it. Faith is believing and living all that the church teaches and practices: in God as one and three persons, in the sacraments especially Eucharist, in the traditions of the church and in the Blessed Virgin Mary. Without faith, no meaning and no reason for living because it is the foundation of the Christian life in general and the religious life in particular. .Faith is not a thing or an ideology but a relationship with God. St. Francis was a man of faith and so as his followers let us follow his example.


Risultati immagini per san Francesco d'assisi immagini



La fête de Saint-François
le 4 octobre

Neuvaine à dire du 26 septembre au 4 octobre
En 1181 ou 1182, naît à Assise Jean, fils de Pierre Bernardone et de Dame Pica. Le père est un riche marchand drapier, et lors de son retour de France, il surnomme son fils François. François est un boute-en-train, et toute la jeunesse d’Assise profite de ses largesses. Il rêve de devenir chevalier, ce qui serait une promotion sociale pour lui qui fait partie des Minores.
Après la guerre d’Assise contre Pérouse il reste captif là-bas pendant environ un an ; s’ensuit une longue maladie. Lors d’un départ comme chevalier, la voix du Seigneur lui dit qu’il ne faut pas servir le serviteur mais le Maître. Petit à petit la vie de François change, il se convertit à la volonté sur Seigneur.