domenica 4 marzo 2007

The Formation Corse for the Spiritual Assistants in Croatia


It was a wonderful sight to see more than 80 spiritual assistants of SFO and GIFRA from Croazia ,Bosnia and Erzegovina participated in the formation seminar from 27 -1 march 2007 . It was arranged by the National conference of Spiritual Assistants of Croazia. The 3 General Spiritual Assistants also took active part in that seminar. Fr.Ivan OFM, Fr.Martin OFMConv and Fr. Samy Irudaya OFMCap were main speakers in the seminar. Our Denifitor General Fr. Jure Šarčević and Fr. Ivica Petatanjak Minister Provincial of Cappucin Croazia added flavor for this seminar by their active presence and celebrated mass. Fr.Martin Pablo Bitzer,OFMconv spoke about Collegial Assitance to the Secular Franciscan Order. Fr.Irudaya Samy,OFMCap. Spoke about the role of the Spiritual Assistant in the Local Fraternity. Fr.Ivan Matic spoke about Spiritual Assistance to the Young Franciscans. The seminar was very much appreciated by every body and all decided to have it every year.

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