venerdì 23 giugno 2017

OFS Netherlands elective chapter 2017

The national Fraternity of OFS-Netherlands held an elective chapter in Huiz Elizabeth, Denekamp from 9th to 11th June this year. OFS-Netherlands has some 230 members belonging to some 13 local Fraternities. The national elective chapter is a very important moment of the life of each national fraternity. At this event, all professed members (or delegates, according to the national Statutes and as is the case here) come together to choose by secrete ballot the Council and Minister who are to guide and animate the national fraternity for the next mandate, which is generally a three-year period.  

The elective session will normally be preceeded by a working session particularly marked by a report from the out-going national Minister covering the past three years, and a financial report from the Treasurer or Financial Secretary. Other reports too may be made. The eletive session of the recent chapter was precided by Màrton Beke, OFS Hungary, delegated by Tibor Kauser, OFS General minister. The working session was coordinated by Fr. Rob Hoogenboom, OFM Provincial Minister of the Netherlands. 

The Conference of General Spiritual Assistants was represented by Fr. Francis Bongajum Dor, OFMCap. At the elections that was done on Saturday June 10th after the normal invocation of the Holy Spirit, the following were chosen to constitute 

the national Council for the next three years: 
Theo Reuling - National minister (first term)
Marianne Versteegh - National vice minister (First term)
Michel Versteegh - Treasurer and International Councilor Substitute
Secretary - Gijs ter Veer
Formator - Jan Biljsma
National Spiritual assitant (Not eletected) - Wim Pot, OFM.

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